Objective: To create advertisement/marketing materials for Cal Poly's first-annual SPECTACLE, which is a three hour event showcasing a conglomerate of Cal Poly student innovations. The mission was to increase collaboration between departments on campus in order to improve the “learn by doing” culture that is championed by Cal Poly.
Details: A logo was created to brand the event, and used in a slew of various print and web collateral. The symbols within the logo played a key part in reaching out to all of the colleges on campus, and directing attention to the various types of people who showcased at this event.
Art Direction & Design: Stephanie Zombek

SPEC12 logo; each symbol represents the colleges on campus
Business-Engineering-Math & Science-Agriculture-Architecture-Liberal Arts
Business-Engineering-Math & Science-Agriculture-Architecture-Liberal Arts

SPEC12 promotional poster
11x17 in

Business cards handed out to promote event and solicit potential exhibitors

Promotional posters used on Facebook and posted around campus



Exhibitor credentials

Programs and trophy

SPECTACLE 2012 team